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Microkinetic simulations of acetylene(acetylene-d2) hydrogenation(deuteration) on Ag nanoparticles
Molecular Catalysis ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mcat.2022.112845
Jiayuan Li , Zihao Yao , Jinyan Zhao , Shengwei Deng , Shibin Wang , Jianguo Wang

The semi-hydrogenation(deuteration) of alkynes plays an essential role in high-value chemical production, and the reaction mechanism between H and D remains elusive. In this work, advanced microkinetic modeling is combined with the energetics from the first principles calculation to investigate the activity and selectivity of acetylene hydrogenation (acetylene-d2 deuteration) on Ag nanoparticles. By constructing a polyhedral model, it can be found that the olefin production on Ag nanoparticles converged when the size was at the diameter of 6 nm. Furthermore, it is found that the effective production rates are contributed by Ag(100) and Ag55 (corner site). The temperature considerably affects the free reaction energy (ΔG) between hydrogenation and deuteration. Consistent with the experiment, our kinetic simulations indicate that hydrogenation gives rise to a reaction rate approximately 3 times larger than the TOF of deuteration.


Ag 纳米粒子上乙炔(乙炔-d2)氢化(氘化)的微观动力学模拟

炔烃的半氢化(氘化)在高价值化学品生产中起着至关重要的作用,而H和D之间的反应机理仍不清楚。在这项工作中,先进的微观动力学模型与第一性原理计算的能量学相结合,研究了银纳米粒子上乙炔氢化(乙炔-d2 氘化)的活性和选择性。通过构建多面体模型,可以发现当粒径为 6 nm 时,Ag 纳米粒子上的烯烃产量收敛。此外,发现有效生产率由 Ag(100) 和 Ag 55贡献(角落网站)。温度显着影响氢化和氘化之间的自由反应能 (ΔG)。与实验一致,我们的动力学模拟表明氢化产生的反应速率比氘化的 TOF 大大约 3 倍。
