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A history of Italy's health policy from the Republic to the new century
Modern Italy ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-13 , DOI: 10.1017/mit.2022.50
Chiara Giorgi

This article analyses the development of Italian health policies in the post-Second World War period. Shortly after the setting up of the ‘Beveridge model’ and the creation of the British National Health Service, Italy also introduced a new approach to health, which became part of the Constitution. However, the implementation of the necessary reforms was delayed due to resistance from the country's institutions and government parties. The introduction of a radical health reform became possible only in 1978 through pressure generated from social conflicts, trade unions and left-wing parties. The implementation of the National Health Service encountered a number of obstacles due to the specific conditions of Italy, but also owing to changes at the international level. The neoliberal policies started in the 1980s introduced restrictions in health spending, the regionalisation and privatisation of services, and a new selective approach to health. In spite of these limitations and contradictions, the Italian healthcare system has been considerably successful, leading to strong improvements in health and to a life expectancy at birth among the longest in Europe. The recent developments – and the experience of the pandemic – confirm the important impact of a public, universal health service and, at the same time, the persistent policy efforts aimed at weakening its reach.



本文分析了二战后意大利卫生政策的发展。在建立“贝弗里奇模式”和创建英国国民健康服务体系后不久,意大利也引入了一种新的健康方法,并成为宪法的一部分。然而,由于国家机构和政府党派的抵制,必要改革的实施被推迟了。直到 1978 年,在社会冲突、工会和左翼政党产生的压力下,才有可能引入彻底的医疗改革。由于意大利的具体情况,但也由于国际层面的变化,国民保健服务的实施遇到了一些障碍。1980 年代开始的新自由主义政策引入了对医疗支出的限制、服务的区域化和私有化,以及一种新的选择性医疗方法。尽管存在这些限制和矛盾,意大利的医疗保健系统还是取得了相当大的成功,极大地改善了健康状况,出生时的预期寿命在欧洲名列前茅。最近的事态发展——以及大流行的经验——证实了公共、全民医疗服务的重要影响,同时也证实了旨在削弱其影响范围的持续政策努力。导致健康状况的显着改善和出生时预期寿命在欧洲最长的国家之一。最近的事态发展——以及大流行的经验——证实了公共、全民医疗服务的重要影响,同时也证实了旨在削弱其影响范围的持续政策努力。导致健康状况的显着改善和出生时预期寿命在欧洲最长的国家之一。最近的事态发展——以及大流行的经验——证实了公共、全民医疗服务的重要影响,同时也证实了旨在削弱其影响范围的持续政策努力。