American Antiquity ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-13 , DOI: 10.1017/aaq.2022.73
Sarah E. Baires , Melissa R. Baltus , Kathryn Parker , Steven Kuehn
Plants and animals play a vital role in the human experience, from providing basic sustenance to creating unique social practices that may govern familial, political, or religious experiences; reconstitute identities; or forge social relationships. In this article, we present analyses on the ethnobotanical and zoological remains recently recovered from the Spring Lake Tract, Cahokia, a neighborhood populated from approximately AD 900 to 1275. The assemblage represents a variety of plants and animals that demonstrate the diverse utility of the biota from the region. We conclude that this assemblage indicates that this neighborhood community participated in an array of practices not easily dichotomized into “ritual” or “domestic.” From the perspectives of “Place-Thought” and locality, we emphasize the agency of these entities (plant/animal/human) in the process of creating and sustaining this Cahokian neighborhood.

植物和动物在人类体验中发挥着至关重要的作用,从提供基本的食物到创造可能支配家庭、政治或宗教体验的独特社会实践;重建身份;或建立社会关系。在这篇文章中,我们对最近从卡霍基亚斯普林湖区发现的民族植物学和动物学遗迹进行了分析,卡霍基亚是一个大约在公元 900 年至 1275 年居住的社区。该组合代表了各种植物和动物,证明了生物群的不同用途来自该地区。我们的结论是,这种组合表明这个邻里社区参与了一系列不容易分为“仪式”或“家庭”的实践。从“Place-Thought”和地方性的角度,