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Synergy of MoO2 with Pt as Unilateral Dual Cocatalyst for Improving Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution over g-C3N4
Chemistry - An Asian Journal ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-11 , DOI: 10.1002/asia.202201139
Fengyun Su 1 , Zhishuai Wang 1 , Mengzhen Tian 1 , Chunxia Yang 1 , Haiquan Xie 1 , Chenghua Ding 1 , Xiaoli Jin 1 , Jiaqi Chen 1 , Liqun Ye 2

MoO2/g-C3N4 composites were prepared, in which MoO2 synergetic with Pt photo-deposited during H2 evolution reaction worked as unilateral dual cocatalyst to improve the photocatalytic activity. The deficient MoO2 not only promoted visible light absorption of g-C3N4, but also worked as a “electron pool” to capture and transfer electrons to Pt.


MoO2 与 Pt 作为单侧双助催化剂的协同作用改善 g-C3N4 光催化析氢

制备了MoO 2 /gC 3 N 4复合材料,其中MoO 2在H 2析出反应中与光沉积的Pt协同作用作为单侧双助催化剂以提高光催化活性。不足的MoO 2不仅促进了gC 3 N 4的可见光吸收,而且还充当“电子库”以捕获电子并将电子转移到Pt。