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“Jobbos” and the “wageless life”: Exploring work and responsibility in the anti-fracking movement in Lancashire, United Kingdom
Economic Anthropology ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-10 , DOI: 10.1002/sea2.12276
Sarah G.P. O'Brien 1

Drawing on ethnographic research at an anti-fracking encampment at Preston New Road (PNR) in Lancashire, England, this article explores activists' perceptions of work and responsibility. I examine their protest activities and explore how work is understood, disrupted, and contested; what this means for my interlocutors' engagement with monetary compensation; and how this is reinforced by the extractive nature of the activity they are contesting. I show how through protesting, monitoring, and maintaining a presence on site, interlocutors worked to ethically and materially disentangle themselves from the reality fueled by hydrocarbon extraction. While paid work was deemed ethically problematic in this context, at stake for my interlocutors was the web of relationships in which financial and practical support was received and shared. By drawing on research on activism and dynamics of prefiguration, I show how the work of activism at PNR was predicated on balancing agency with responsibility in a complex and powerful web of responsible relationships. Reconciling agency and responsibility was integral to the ethical orientations on which the anti-fracking community was built and the realities it aspired to create.



本文借鉴在英国兰开夏郡普雷斯顿新路 (PNR) 的反水力压裂营地进行的民族志研究,探讨了活动家对工作和责任的看法。我检查了他们的抗议活动,并探讨了工作是如何被理解、破坏和质疑的;这对我的对话者参与货币补偿意味着什么;以及他们所竞争的活动的开采性质如何加强了这一点。我展示了如何通过抗议、监督和保持现场存在,对话者如何在道德和物质上努力使自己脱离碳氢化合物开采所推动的现实。虽然在这种情况下,有偿工作被认为在道德上存在问题,但对我的对话者来说,关系网处于危险之中,在该关系网中,人们获得并分享了经济和实际支持。通过对行动主义和预示动力学的研究,我展示了 PNR 的行动主义工作如何基于在复杂而强大的责任关系网络中平衡代理与责任。协调机构和责任是建立反水力压裂社区所依据的道德取向及其渴望创造的现实不可或缺的一部分。