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Right-wing extremism and lone-actor violence in Italy: the case of the 2018 Macerata shooting
Modern Italy ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-12 , DOI: 10.1017/mit.2022.55
Francesco Marone

On 3 February 2018, in the town of Macerata, an Italian citizen with far-right sympathies deliberately fired several shots from his car at nine African immigrants, injuring six. The article argues that this shooting can be considered an act of lone-actor terrorism, an anomaly in the Italian context. Based on the social science literature on this subject, the paper analyses the profile of the shooter and the dynamics of the attack. Moreover, adopting a relational perspective to radicalisation, it examines the attacker's interactions: on the one hand, he was in contact with different political organisations that could represent ‘echo chambers’ for the tacit validation or even the justification and amplification of radical beliefs, including on the relation between immigration and security; on the other hand, he was not subject to their discipline and social control. This peripheral social position helps explain this case of lone-actor terrorism, in a national context where far-right mobilisation and violence have historically assumed collective forms.


意大利的右翼极端主义和单独行动者暴力:以 2018 年马切拉塔枪击案为例

2018 年 2 月 3 日,在马切拉塔镇,一名同情极右翼的意大利公民故意从他的汽车里向 9 名非洲移民开了几枪,造成 6 人受伤。文章认为,这起枪击事件可以被视为单人恐怖主义行为,在意大利语境下是一种反常现象。根据关于这一主题的社会科学文献,本文分析了枪手的概况和攻击的动态。此外,它采用激进化的关系视角,考察了攻击者的互动:一方面,他与不同的政治组织有联系,这些组织可能代表“回音室”,以默示验证甚至激进信仰的辩护和放大,包括关于移民与安全的关系;另一方面,他不受他们的纪律和社会控制。在极右翼动员和暴力历史上以集体形式出现的国家背景下,这种边缘社会地位有助于解释这种孤立的恐怖主义案例。