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Closed-Loop Recyclable High-Performance Polyimine Aerogels Derived from Bio-Based Resources
Advanced Materials ( IF 27.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-09 , DOI: 10.1002/adma.202209003
Changlin Wang 1 , Fabian Eisenreich 1 , Željko Tomović 1, 2

Organic aerogels are an intriguing class of highly porous and ultralight materials which have found widespread applications in thermal insulation, energy storage, and chemical absorption. These fully cross-linked polymeric networks, however, pose environmental concerns as they are typically made from fossil-based feedstock and the recycling back to their original monomers is virtually impossible. In addition, organic aerogels suffer from low thermal stability and potential fire hazard. To overcome these obstacles and create next-generation organic aerogels, a set of polyimine aerogels containing reversible chemical bonds which can selectively be cleaved on demand is prepared. As precursors, different primary amines and cyclophosphazene derivatives made from bio-based reagents (vanillin and 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde) to elevate the thermal stability and reduce the environmental impact are used. The resulting polyimine aerogels exhibit low shrinkage, high porosity, large surface area, as well as pronounced thermal stability and flame resistance. More importantly, the aerogels show excellent recyclability under acidic conditions with high monomer recovery yields and purities. This approach allows for preparation of fresh aerogels from the retrieved building blocks, thus demonstrating efficient closed-loop recycling. These high-performance, recyclable, and bio-based polyimine aerogels pave the way for advanced and sustainable superinsulating materials.



有机气凝胶是一类引人入胜的高度多孔和超轻材料,已在隔热、储能和化学吸收方面得到广泛应用。然而,这些完全交联的聚合物网络会引起环境问题,因为它们通常由化石基原料制成,并且几乎不可能回收回其原始单体。此外,有机气凝胶具有低热稳定性和潜在的火灾隐患。为了克服这些障碍并创造下一代有机气凝胶,制备了一组含有可逆化学键的聚亚胺气凝胶,这些化学键可以根据需要选择性地裂解。作为先行者,使用由生物基试剂(香草醛和 4-羟基苯甲醛)制成的不同伯胺和环磷腈衍生物,以提高热稳定性并减少对环境的影响。所得聚亚胺气凝胶具有低收缩率、高孔隙率、大表面积以及显着的热稳定性和阻燃性。更重要的是,气凝胶在酸性条件下表现出优异的可回收性,具有高单体回收率和纯度。这种方法允许从回收的构建块中制备新鲜的气凝胶,从而证明有效的闭环回收。这些高性能、可回收的生物基聚亚胺气凝胶为先进和可持续的超级绝缘材料铺平了道路。所得聚亚胺气凝胶具有低收缩率、高孔隙率、大表面积以及显着的热稳定性和阻燃性。更重要的是,气凝胶在酸性条件下表现出优异的可回收性,具有高单体回收率和纯度。这种方法允许从回收的构建块中制备新鲜的气凝胶,从而证明有效的闭环回收。这些高性能、可回收的生物基聚亚胺气凝胶为先进和可持续的超级绝缘材料铺平了道路。所得聚亚胺气凝胶具有低收缩率、高孔隙率、大表面积以及显着的热稳定性和阻燃性。更重要的是,气凝胶在酸性条件下表现出优异的可回收性,具有高单体回收率和纯度。这种方法允许从回收的构建块中制备新鲜的气凝胶,从而证明有效的闭环回收。这些高性能、可回收的生物基聚亚胺气凝胶为先进和可持续的超级绝缘材料铺平了道路。这种方法允许从回收的构建块中制备新鲜的气凝胶,从而证明有效的闭环回收。这些高性能、可回收的生物基聚亚胺气凝胶为先进和可持续的超级绝缘材料铺平了道路。这种方法允许从回收的构建块中制备新鲜的气凝胶,从而证明有效的闭环回收。这些高性能、可回收的生物基聚亚胺气凝胶为先进和可持续的超级绝缘材料铺平了道路。