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Electronic Control of the Scholl Reaction: Selective Synthesis of Spiro vs Helical Nanographenes
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-10 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202215655
Patricia Izquierdo-García 1 , Jesús M Fernández-García 1 , Josefina Perles 2 , Israel Fernández 1 , Nazario Martín 1, 3

The electronic nature of the starting substrate decides the fate of the reaction: Anthracene-based polyphenylenes lead to less-known spiro (R=H) or helical (R=F) nanographenes under mild Scholl conditions, depending upon the substitution pattern on the anthracene core. DFT calculations reveal that the formation, or not, of the trityl cation is the key issue.


Scholl 反应的电子控制:Spiro 与螺旋纳米石墨烯的选择性合成

起始底物的电子性质决定了反应的命运:基于蒽的聚亚苯基在温和的 Scholl 条件下导致鲜为人知的螺环 (R=H) 或螺旋 (R=F) 纳米石墨烯,具体取决于蒽上的取代模式核。DFT 计算表明,三苯甲基阳离子的形成与否是关键问题。