Scientific Reports ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-08 , DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-24686-5 John P Crimaldi 1 , Aaron C True 1 , Karl G Linden 1 , Mark T Hernandez 1 , Lars T Larson 1 , Anna K Pauls 1
Aerosols can transmit infectious diseases including SARS-CoV-2, influenza and norovirus. Flushed toilets emit aerosols that spread pathogens contained in feces, but little is known about the spatiotemporal evolution of these plumes or the velocity fields that transport them. Using laser light to illuminate ejected aerosols we quantify the kinematics of plumes emanating from a commercial flushometer-type toilet, and use the motion of aerosol particles to compute velocity fields of the associated flow. The toilet flush produces a strong chaotic jet with velocities exceeding 2 m/s; this jet transports aerosols to heights reaching 1.5 m within 8 seconds of initiating a flush. Quantifying toilet plumes and associated flow velocities provides a foundation for future design strategies to mitigate plume formation or to disinfect pathogens within it.

气溶胶可传播传染病,包括 SARS-CoV-2、流感和诺如病毒。冲水马桶会释放出气溶胶,传播粪便中含有的病原体,但人们对这些羽流的时空演化或运输它们的速度场知之甚少。使用激光照射喷射的气溶胶,我们量化了商用冲洗阀型马桶发出的羽流的运动学,并使用气溶胶颗粒的运动来计算相关流动的速度场。马桶冲水产生强烈的混沌射流,速度超过2m/s;该喷射器在开始冲洗后 8 秒内将气溶胶输送到 1.5 m 的高度。量化厕所羽流和相关流速为未来减少羽流形成或消毒其中病原体的设计策略奠定了基础。