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The madness of misperceptions: evaluating the ways anger contributes to misinformed beliefs
Journal of Communication ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-08 , DOI: 10.1093/joc/jqac041
Dustin Carnahan 1 , Suhwoo Ahn 1 , Monique Mitchell Turner 1

Drawing from established theoretical traditions in cognitive consistency, motivated reasoning, heuristic–systematic processing, and the anger-activism model, we extend existing work linking anger with misperceptions by specifying three distinct ways anger might contribute to the formation of misperceptions: Increasing reliance on partisan heuristics, influencing political information-seeking behavior, and moderating the influence of partisan media exposure. Analyzing data from an original survey administered nationally via Qualtrics Panels during the first impeachment trial of President Donald Trump in January 2020, results indicate that high-anger partisans were more likely to express belief in claims supportive of their party and critical of the other party, regardless of the veracity of those claims. Further, anger was also linked with greater use of pro-attitudinal information sources and avoidance of counterattitudinal sources, with these differences in partisan media consumption subsequently influencing factual beliefs. However, we found no evidence that anger moderated the relationship between partisan media exposure and factual beliefs. We explore the implications of these findings in a political era defined increasingly by the experience of anger.



借鉴认知一致性、动机推理、启发式系统处理和愤怒行动主义模型的既定理论传统,我们扩展了现有的将愤怒与误解联系起来的工作,具体说明了愤怒可能导致误解形成的三种不同方式:增加对党派的依赖启发式,影响政治信息寻求行为,并缓和党派媒体曝光的影响。在 2020 年 1 月对唐纳德特朗普总统的第一次弹劾审判期间,通过 Qualtrics Panels 在全国范围内进行的一项原始调查的数据分析结果表明,高度愤怒的党派更有可能表达对支持他们党派和批评另一党派的主张的信念,不管这些说法的真实性。更远,愤怒还与更多地使用支持态度的信息来源和避免反态度的来源有关,这些党派媒体消费的差异随后影响了事实信念。然而,我们没有发现愤怒调节党派媒体曝光与事实信念之间关系的证据。我们探讨了这些发现在一个日益被愤怒经历所定义的政治时代的影响。