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‘Contestation, negotiation, and resolution’: The relationship between power and collective leadership
International Journal of Management Reviews ( IF 7.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-08 , DOI: 10.1111/ijmr.12319
Erica Gabrielle Foldy 1 , Sonia M. Ospina 1

The relationship between power and collective leadership (CL) has been theoretically understood and empirically addressed in many different ways. To make sense of this diversity, we investigate and diagram the role of power in CL. First, we identify six representations of power—six ways in which scholars have found that power shapes the emergence and enactment of CL. These representations include: Even in CL, individual power matters; Leaders can devolve power to their subordinates by empowering them; Contextual characteristics related to power can influence the possibility and enactment of CL; CL can create the collective power necessary for people in marginalized positions to challenge embedded power dynamics; Power is intrinsic to the co-construction process; Attributions affect who can enact CL, how they are viewed, and whether they have power. Second, we offer a conceptual framework that provides a comprehensive way to understand the relationship between power and CL. The framework includes two dimensions, one related to power (that runs from episodic to systemic) and the other related to CL (that runs from entitative to emergent). Third, we create a conceptual map by placing the six representations within this framework. Based on our research, we make the case that we cannot understand CL without understanding the ubiquitous, complex, and even contradictory role of power. We also suggest avenues for expanding and elaborating discussions of power in the CL literature.



权力与集体领导(CL)之间的关系已得到理论上的理解,并通过许多不同的方式进行了实证研究。为了理解这种多样性,我们研究并绘制了权力在 CL 中的作用。首先,我们确定了权力的六种表现形式——学者们发现权力塑造了 CL 的出现和制定的六种方式。这些表述包括: 即使在 CL 中,个人权力也很重要;领导者可以通过授权的方式将权力下放给下属;与权力相关的情境特征会影响 CL 的可能性和实施;CL 可以为处于边缘地位的人们创造挑战固有权力动态所需的集体力量;权力是共建过程中固有的;归因会影响谁可以制定 CL、如何看待他们以及他们是否拥有权力。其次,我们提供了一个概念框架,为理解权力与 CL 之间的关系提供了全面的方法。该框架包括两个维度,一个与权力相关(从偶发到系统),另一个与CL相关(从实体到涌现)。第三,我们通过将六种表示形式置于该框架内来创建概念图。根据我们的研究,我们认为,如果不了解权力无处不在、复杂甚至矛盾的作用,我们就无法理解 CL。我们还提出了在 CL 文献中扩展和阐述权力讨论的途径。一个与权力(从偶发性到系统性)相关,另一个与 CL(从实体性到突发性)相关。第三,我们通过将六种表示形式置于该框架内来创建概念图。根据我们的研究,我们认为,如果不了解权力无处不在、复杂甚至矛盾的作用,我们就无法理解 CL。我们还提出了在 CL 文献中扩展和阐述权力讨论的途径。一个与权力(从偶发性到系统性)相关,另一个与 CL(从实体性到突发性)相关。第三,我们通过将六种表示形式置于该框架内来创建概念图。根据我们的研究,我们认为,如果不了解权力无处不在、复杂甚至矛盾的作用,我们就无法理解 CL。我们还提出了在 CL 文献中扩展和阐述权力讨论的途径。