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Selective catalytic ethanolysis of C-O bonds in lignite-related model compounds and Xilinguole lignite over difunctional Ni/HZSM-5 in H2-free system
Fuel Processing Technology ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fuproc.2022.107590
Fenfen Du , Zhaoshun Zhang , Zhongqiu Liu , Xingshun Cong , Zhihao Ma , Tiansheng Zhao , Sheng Li

Catalytic cracking of C-O bond is one of the important strategies for conversion of lignite into soluble organic matter. Ni/HZSM-5 was prepared by a modified deposition precipitation method with the Ni mass ratio ranging from 5% to 20% and evaluated by catalytic cracking benzyloxy benzene (BOB) and benzyl ether (BE). BOB was completely converted in ethanol over Ni15%/HZSM-5 under 1 MPa N2 at 240 °C for 2 h, while BE was completely converted at 180 °C. Ethanol could be activated to CH3CH2O· and H· over Ni nanoparticles supported on HZSM-5, which cleaved the C-O bond in BOB and BE. Additionally, the Ni15%/HZSM-5 was also successfully applied in catalytic ethanolysis of resides from ethanolysis Xilinguole lignite (XL) without H2 at 300 °C. The soluble portion yields from ethanolysis of XL and catalytic ethanolysis of residue are 47.8% and 15.1%, respectively. Soluble portion 1 (SP1) and catalytically soluble portion 1 (SP1C) were identified by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Different from SP1 mainly containing esters and phenols, SP1C is mainly composed of alkanes, arenes, and esters. In conclusion, catalytic ethanolysis of lignite in H2-free system is a potential way to cleave C-O bonds and prepare lignite-derived organic chemicals.


在无 H2 体系中双功能 Ni/HZSM-5 上褐煤相关模型化合物和锡林郭勒褐煤中 CO 键的选择性催化乙醇解

CO键的催化裂解是褐煤转化为可溶性有机物的重要策略之一。采用改进的沉积沉淀法制备Ni/HZSM-5,Ni质量比为5%~20%,并通过催化裂解苯甲氧基苯(BOB)和苯甲醚(BE)进行评价。BOB 在 Ni 15% /HZSM-5 上在 1 MPa N 2下在 240 °C 下完全转化 2 小时,而 BE 在 180 °C 下完全转化。在HZSM-5负载的Ni纳米颗粒上,乙醇可以被活化为CH 3 CH 2 O·和H·,从而裂解BOB和BE中的CO键。此外,Ni 15%/HZSM-5也成功应用于300 °C无H 2乙醇分解锡林郭勒褐煤(XL)残渣的催化乙醇分解。XL乙醇解和残渣催化乙醇解的可溶部分产率分别为47.8%和15.1%。可溶性部分 1 (SP 1 ) 和催化可溶性部分 1 (SP 1C ) 通过气相色谱/质谱法鉴定。与以酯类和酚类为主的SP 1不同,SP 1C主要由烷烃、芳烃和酯类组成。总之,在无H 2体系中褐煤的催化乙醇解是裂解CO键和制备褐煤衍生的有机化学品的潜在途径。
