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To thrive or not to thrive: Pathways for sustaining thriving at work
Research in Organizational Behavior ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.riob.2022.100176
Christine L. Porath , Cristina B. Gibson , Gretchen M. Spreitzer

Thriving, the psychological experience of both vitality (or energy) and learning, is often elusive. Rather than growing, developing, and feeling energized, workers report stagnation and depletion. While much of the research on thriving at work has focused on what managers can do to promote thriving amongst workers, we highlight the means by which people are empowered to take control of their well-being. Workers can sustain their own thriving through three pathways: (1) by engaging in self-care, (2) creating and maintaining high quality relationships, and (3) building community within and outside the organization. We show that these three pathways are particularly important given the changing nature of more temporary and flexible work arrangements, increases in remote work, and the larger need for community embeddedness to address the many grand societal challenges that confront us.



蓬勃发展,即活力(或能量)和学习的心理体验,往往是难以捉摸的。员工没有成长、发展和感到精力充沛,而是停滞不前和疲惫不堪。虽然很多关于在工作中茁壮成长的研究都集中在管理者可以做些什么来促进员工的蓬勃发展,但我们强调了人们可以通过哪些方式来控制自己的幸福感。员工可以通过三种途径维持自己的繁荣:(1) 通过自我照顾,(2) 建立和维持高质量的关系,以及 (3) 在组织内外建立社区。我们表明,鉴于更临时和更灵活的工作安排的性质不断变化、远程工作的增加、
