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Effect of Different Shapes on the Measurement of Dielectric Constants of Low-Loss Materials With Rectangular Waveguides at X-Band
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 6-8-2022 , DOI: 10.1109/lmwc.2022.3177400
Guifeng Yang 1 , Shaohua Zhou 2 , Wei Liang 3 , Xin Li 4 , Hui Huang 5 , Jianhua Yang 1

To quantify the effect of air gap on the dielectric constant measurement of low-loss materials, this letter presents the first quantitative study of the effect of five different shapes on the dielectric constant measurement using three low-loss materials as examples. The experimental results show that if low-loss materials’ dielectric constant measurement error is controlled within 5%, the air gap cannot exceed 4%. The results of this letter can provide effective guidance and reference for improving the measurement accuracy of electromagnetic parameters of low-loss materials.


