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Determinants of Early Neonatal Mortality in Indonesia
Population Review ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-06
Irdam Ahmad, Nadia Qothrunnada, Yulintin Riana Dewi


This study aimed to analyze the factors that contributed to early neonatal mortality in Indonesia using the raw data from the 2017 Indonesian Demographic Health Survey. The analytical method used was the Rare Event Logistic Regression Model. The results showed that infants who were more likely to die at early neonatal or seven days of life were born to working mothers, mothers with aged <20 years old and > 35 years old, infants born with low birth weight (<2500 grams), male infants, and parturition who were not health officers. About 65.3% of early neonatal deaths were born to working women, 40% were born to women <20 years and > 35 years of age, 44% were low birth weight, 69.3% were male and 56% were born by pregnant women whose parturition are not assisted by health officers.




本研究旨在使用 2017 年印度尼西亚人口健康调查的原始数据分析导致印度尼西亚早期新生儿死亡率的因素。使用的分析方法是罕见事件逻辑回归模型。结果显示,更容易在新生儿早期或出生后 7 天内死亡的婴儿出生于职业母亲、年龄 <20 岁和 >35 岁的母亲、低出生体重婴儿(<2500 克)、不是卫生官员的男婴和分娩。大约 65.3% 的早期新生儿死亡由职业妇女所生,40% 由 <20 岁和 >35 岁的妇女所生,44% 为低出生体重,69.3% 为男性,56% 由分娩的孕妇所生没有卫生官员的协助。
