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The Distant Action of the Heavens in Girolamo Borri’s Tidal Theory
Early Science and Medicine ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-06 , DOI: 10.1163/15733823-20220057
Pietro Daniel Omodeo 1

The Aristotelian professor of natural philosophy and courtier at the Medici in Florence, Girolamo Borri, developed a theory based on heat to explain the tidal motions of the sea. In his dialogues on this phenomenon, he deemed that tides follow from the ‘moderate’ simmering of the waters as an effect of lunar light. His tidal theory displaced the theory of the Moon’s distant action on terrestrial waters from its traditionally astrological connotation. Moreover, his theory was not ‘empirical’ but rather inserted in a broad natural philosophical and cosmological framework. Although Galileo Galilei later dismissed heat-based explanations of the tides, such explanations are historically relevant as part of the larger scientific picture, in which controversies over the phenomenon of the tides of the sea fuelled cosmological, even post-Copernican assessments of the connection between terrestrial physics and incipient celestial physics.


Girolamo Borri 潮汐理论中天堂的遥远作用

佛罗伦萨美第奇家族的亚里士多德自然哲学教授和朝臣 Girolamo Borri 发展了一种基于热的理论来解释海洋的潮汐运动。在他关于这一现象的对话中,他认为潮汐是由于月光的影响而导致水域“适度”沸腾。他的潮汐理论取代了传统占星学内涵中月球对陆地水域作用的理论。此外,他的理论不是“经验主义的”,而是融入了广泛的自然哲学和宇宙学框架。尽管伽利略·伽利莱 (Galileo Galilei) 后来驳回了对潮汐的基于热的解释,但这种解释作为更广泛的科学图景的一部分在历史上具有相关性,其中对海洋潮汐现象的争论推动了宇宙学,