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Rape myth acceptance and psychopathy as interacting predictors of rape proclivity
Journal of Sexual Aggression ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-02 , DOI: 10.1080/13552600.2022.2151657
Philipp Süssenbach 1 , Frank Euteneuer 2


Rape myth acceptance and psychopathy are well-documented predictors of rape proclivity. The present research (N = 185; convenience sample of German men) focused on the interplay of both risk factors in the prediction of rape proclivity. It was tested whether men with simultaneously high values on rape myth acceptance and psychopathy (1) show an added risk of behaving sexually aggressive (main effects only hypothesis), (2) show a similar level of risk compared to men who are only high on one trait (negative interaction hypothesis: one is sufficient), or (3) show a level of risk that surpasses the level of rape proclivity that a simple addition of main effects would predict (positive interaction hypothesis). The results support a positive interaction account. In particular, the combination of being high on both risk factors was predictive of sexual violence. Implications of the current research and future directions are discussed.

Practice impact statement

The present research indicates that psychopathy amplifies the proclivity to sexually offend that comes with a domain-specific risk factor such as rape myth acceptance. A refined understanding of which risk factors matter and how they work together is practically relevant in particular for preventive purposes (i.e. to identify high-risk males; to tailor intervention programs to a combination of risk factors).




强奸神话的接受和精神病态是强奸倾向的有据可查的预测因素。目前的研究(N = 185; 德国男性的便利样本)侧重于预测强奸倾向的两个风险因素的相互作用。测试了在强奸神话接受度和精神病态方面同时具有高价值的男性 (1) 表现出性侵犯行为的额外风险(仅主要影响假设),(2) 与仅高一个特征(负相互作用假设:一个就足够了),或(3)显示出超过强奸倾向水平的风险水平,而强奸倾向的水平是简单添加主效应所预测的(正相互作用假设)。结果支持积极的互动帐户。特别是,两种风险因素都高的组合预示着性暴力。讨论了当前研究的意义和未来的方向。


