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Tree Communication: the Effects of “Wired” and “Wireless” Channels on Interactions with Herbivores
Current Forestry Reports ( IF 9.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s40725-022-00177-8
Muhammad Usman Rasheed , Agnès Brosset , James D. Blande

Purpose of Review

Approximately 40 years ago, key papers indicating that volatile chemicals released by damaged plants elicited defense-related changes in their neighbors, brought prominence to the idea of plant communication. These studies were conducted with several tree species and the phenomenon observed was dubbed “talking trees.” Today there is a wealth of evidence supporting the idea that plants can send and receive information both above and belowground. However, while early reports of plant-plant communication concerned trees, the literature is now heavily biased towards herbaceous plants. The purpose of this review is to highlight recent research on tree-tree communication with an emphasis on synthesizing knowledge on the ecological relevance of the process.

Recent Findings

Aboveground, information is often provided in the form of biogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are released by both undamaged and damaged plants. The blends of VOCs released by plants provide information on their physiological condition. Belowground, information is conveyed through mycorrhizal networks and via VOCs and chemical exudates released into the rhizosphere. Recent findings have indicated a sophistication to tree communication with more effective VOC-mediated interactions between trees of the same versus a different genotype, kin-group, or chemotype. Moreover, common mycorrhizal networks have been shown to convey stress-related signals in intra- and interspecific associations. Together these two forms of communication represent “wireless” and “wired” channels with significance to facilitating plant resistance to herbivores.


In this review, we examine tree-tree communication with a focus on research in natural forest ecosystems. We particularly address the effects of tree-tree communication on interactions with herbivorous insects. Aboveground and belowground interactions are both reviewed and suggested implications for forest management and future research are presented.




大约 40 年前,一些重要论文表明,受损植物释放的挥发性化学物质会引起邻近植物发生与防御相关的变化,从而使植物通讯的想法受到重视。这些研究是针对几种树种进行的,观察到的现象被称为“会说话的树”。如今,有大量证据支持植物可以在地上和地下发送和接收信息的观点。然而,虽然早期关于植物间通讯的报道涉及树木,但现在的文献严重偏向于草本植物。本综述的目的是强调最近关于树与树通信的研究,重点是综合有关该过程的生态相关性的知识。


在地面上,信息通常以生物挥发性有机化合物 (VOC) 的形式提供,这些化合物由未受损和受损的植物释放。植物释放的挥发性有机化合物混合物提供了有关其生理状况的信息。在地下,信息通过菌根网络以及释放到根际的挥发性有机化合物和化学渗出物来传递。最近的研究结果表明,相同基因型、亲缘群体或化学型的树木之间存在更有效的 VOC 介导的相互作用,从而使树木间的交流更加复杂。此外,常见的菌根网络已被证明可以在种内和种间关联中传递与应激相关的信号。这两种通讯形式共同代表了“无线”和“有线”通道,对于促进植物对食草动物的抵抗力具有重要意义。


