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A systematic review of orthographic learning via self-teaching
Educational Psychologist ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-30 , DOI: 10.1080/00461520.2022.2137673
Yixun Li 1 , Min Wang 2


Orthographic learning is the process that supports children in becoming skilled word readers. How orthographic learning occurs has been one of the central questions in the scientific studies of reading. The present systematic review focuses on experimental studies of orthographic learning via self-teaching. It explains and discusses the universality and specificity of the Self-Teaching Hypothesis concerning written word learning among young children. To advance the Self-Teaching Hypothesis with existing empirical evidence, methodologies and critical findings on the roles of phonological recoding, context, and word property are reviewed and analyzed systematically across target languages and types of learners. Sixty-two experimental studies from 45 articles (1995–2022) were included in the current analysis. Ample discrepancies in methodologies exist across studies. Across writing systems, language-specific word properties affect children’s self-teaching outcomes, yet evidence consistently suggests that the presence of phonological recoding supports self-teaching. Enhanced phonological recoding improves orthographic learning, whereas reduced phonological recoding hinders orthographic learning. In contrast, findings on the effect of meaningful context are mixed. Our findings advance the original Self-Teaching Hypothesis, reveal the gaps in the self-teaching research, and point out new directions for future work. Our findings also inform educational practices for enhancing written word learning.




正字法学习是支持儿童成为熟练的单词阅读者的过程。正字法学习是如何发生的一直是阅读科学研究的核心问题之一。本系统综述侧重于通过自学进行正字法学习的实验研究。解释和讨论了幼儿书面文字学习自学假说的普遍性和特殊性。为了利用现有的经验证据、方法论和关于语音重新编码、上下文和单词属性的作用的关键发现来推进自学假设,我们对目标语言和学习者类型进行了系统的审查和分析。来自 45 篇文章(1995-2022 年)的 62 项实验研究被纳入当前分析。研究之间存在大量的方法差异。在整个书写系统中,语言特定的单词属性会影响儿童的自学结果,但有证据一致表明,语音重新编码的存在支持自学。增强的语音重新编码改进了正字法学习,而减少的语音重新编码阻碍了正字法学习。相比之下,关于有意义语境的影响的研究结果喜忧参半。我们的研究结果推进了最初的自学假设,揭示了自学研究的空白,并为未来的工作指明了新的方向。我们的研究结果还为加强书面文字学习的教育实践提供了信息。然而,有证据一致表明,语音重新编码的存在支持自学。增强的语音重新编码改进了正字法学习,而减少的语音重新编码阻碍了正字法学习。相比之下,关于有意义语境的影响的研究结果喜忧参半。我们的研究结果推进了最初的自学假设,揭示了自学研究的空白,并为未来的工作指明了新的方向。我们的研究结果还为加强书面文字学习的教育实践提供了信息。然而,有证据一致表明,语音重新编码的存在支持自学。增强的语音重新编码改进了正字法学习,而减少的语音重新编码阻碍了正字法学习。相比之下,关于有意义语境的影响的研究结果喜忧参半。我们的研究结果推进了最初的自学假设,揭示了自学研究的空白,并为未来的工作指明了新的方向。我们的研究结果还为加强书面文字学习的教育实践提供了信息。揭示自学研究中的空白,为今后的工作指明新的方向。我们的研究结果还为加强书面文字学习的教育实践提供了信息。揭示自学研究中的空白,为今后的工作指明新的方向。我们的研究结果还为加强书面文字学习的教育实践提供了信息。
