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Enhanced Corrosion Resistance and Biocompatibility of NaMgF3 Coating on Mg–Zn–Ca Alloy: An In Vivo and In Vitro Study
Advanced Engineering Materials ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-26 , DOI: 10.1002/adem.202201364
Haoran Zheng 1, 2 , Zhen Li 3 , Minfang Chen 2 , Chen You 2 , Jingbo Wang 4

The objective of the present work is to investigate the in vitro and in vivo performance of NaMgF3 coating on Mg–3Zn–0.2Ca (MZC) alloy for bone applications. NaMgF3 coating is developed on MZC alloy by using NaF solution, which prepares the Fcontaining coating while avoiding the use of hydrofluoric acid, which is of higher toxicity. The dense NaMgF3 coating with a thickness of ≈20 μm contributes to reducing the corrosion rate of MZC exposed to Hanks’ solution by ≈43% from 0.7 to 0.4 mm y−1. The NaMgF3 coating also depresses the corrosion rate of MZC in vivo, causing the residual volume of the implanted MZC rods to increase from below 70% to ≈90%. Besides, the toughness value of MZC rods coated with NaMgF3 after implantation is 2780 MJ m−3, which demonstrates the continuous and sufficient mechanical support that is provided by it for bone repair. Importantly, osteoblasts can adhere and differentiate on the coating surface, and the NaMgF3 coating enhanced the biocompatibility and osteogenesis of the MZC alloy. So, the NaMgF3-coated MZC alloy could be used in bone repair applications.


Mg-Zn-Ca 合金上 NaMgF3 涂层增强的耐腐蚀性和生物相容性:一项体内和体外研究

本工作的目的是研究用于骨骼应用的 Mg–3Zn–0.2Ca (MZC) 合金上NaMgF 3涂层的体外和体内性能。NaMgF 3涂层是在MZC合金上采用NaF溶液制备含F 涂层的方法,同时避免使用毒性较高的氢氟酸。厚度≈20 μm 的致密NaMgF 3涂层有助于将暴露于Hanks 溶液的MZC 的腐蚀速率从0.7 降低≈43% 至0.4 mm y -1。NaMgF 3涂层还降低了 MZC 在体内的腐蚀速率,导致植入的 MZC 棒的残余体积从 70% 以下增加到 ≈90%。此外,植入后涂有NaMgF 3的MZC棒的韧性值为2780 MJ m -3,这表明其为骨修复提供了持续且充分的机械支撑。重要的是,成骨细胞可以在涂层表面粘附和分化,而 NaMgF 3涂层增强了 MZC 合金的生物相容性和成骨作用。因此,NaMgF 3涂层的MZC合金可用于骨修复应用。