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Cis women's bodies at work: co-modification and (in)visibility in organization and management studies and menopause at work scholarship
International Journal of Management Reviews ( IF 7.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-25 , DOI: 10.1111/ijmr.12318
Vanessa Beck 1 , Jo Brewis 2 , Andrea Davies 3 , Jesse Matheson 4

This paper reviews research on cis women's bodily self-discipline in the workplace. We compare literature exemplifying the ‘bodily turn’ in organization and management studies to scholarship on menopause at work, to identify key themes across these oeuvres and the significance of the blind spots in each. There is little overlap between them: only eleven organization and management studies publications dealt with menopause. In classifying these literatures using Forbes’ (2009) concept of co-modification, we distil four themes: bodily moulding; non-disclosure; failing; and resistance, redefinition and reclamation. Based on this, we argue for more substantive considerations of menopause in organization and management studies, and suggest what the organization and management literature has to offer its sister scholarship. For example, we foreground how menopause exacerbates the visibility paradox facing female workers which organization and management studies identifies; and argue that menopause at work scholarship should pay more attention to specific bodily accommodations, refusals and the ‘unscripted’ aspects of menopause in organizations.



本文综述了顺式女性在职场中身体自律的研究。我们将组织和管理研究中体现“身体转向”的文献与工作中更年期的学术研究进行比较,以确定这些作品的关键主题以及每项作品中盲点的重要性。它们之间几乎没有重叠:只有 11 篇组织和管理研究出版物涉及更年期。在使用福布斯(2009)的共同修改概念对这些文献进行分类时,我们提炼出四个主题:身体塑造;非公开; 失败; 以及抵抗、重新定义和回收。基于此,我们主张在组织和管理研究中对更年期进行更实质性的考虑,并提出组织和管理文献必须提供其姊妹奖学金的内容。例如,我们强调更年期如何加剧女性工人面临的可见性悖论,组织和管理研究发现了这一点;并认为工作中更年期奖学金应该更多地关注组织中特定的身体适应、拒绝和更年期的“即兴”方面。