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Turnip crinkle virus-encoded suppressor of RNA silencing interacts with Arabidopsis SGS3 to enhance virus infection
Molecular Plant Pathology ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-26 , DOI: 10.1111/mpp.13282
Linyu Liu 1, 2 , Haiyan Wang 1 , Yan Fu 1 , Wen Tang 1 , Pingjuan Zhao 1 , Yanli Ren 2 , Zhixin Liu 1 , Kunxin Wu 1 , Xiuchun Zhang 1

Most plant viruses encode suppressors of RNA silencing (VSRs) to protect themselves from antiviral RNA silencing in host plants. The capsid protein (CP) of Turnip crinkle virus (TCV) is a well-characterized VSR, whereas SUPPRESSOR OF GENE SILENCING 3 (SGS3) is an important plant-encoded component of the RNA silencing pathways. Whether the VSR activity of TCV CP requires it to engage SGS3 in plant cells has yet to be investigated. Here, we report that TCV CP interacts with SGS3 of Arabidopsis in both yeast and plant cells. The interaction was identified with the yeast two-hybrid system, and corroborated with bimolecular fluorescence complementation and intracellular co-localization assays in Nicotiana benthamiana cells. While multiple partial TCV CP fragments could independently interact with SGS3, its hinge domain connecting the surface and protruding domains appears to be essential for this interaction. Conversely, SGS3 enlists its N-terminal domain and the XS rice gene X and SGS3 (XS) domain as the primary CP-interacting sites. Interestingly, SGS3 appears to stimulate TCV accumulation because viral RNA levels of a TCV mutant with low VSR activities decreased in the sgs3 knockout mutants, but increased in the SGS3-overexpressing transgenic plants. Transgenic Arabidopsis plants overexpressing TCV CP exhibited developmental abnormalities that resembled sgs3 knockout mutants and caused similar defects in the biogenesis of trans-acting small interfering RNAs. Our data suggest that TCV CP interacts with multiple RNA silencing pathway components that include SGS3, as well as previously reported DRB4 (dsRNA-binding protein 4) and AGO2 (ARGONAUTE protein 2), to achieve efficient suppression of RNA silencing-mediated antiviral defence.


萝卜皱纹病毒编码的 RNA 沉默抑制因子与拟南芥 SGS3 相互作用以增强病毒感染

大多数植物病毒编码 RNA 沉默抑制因子 (VSR),以保护自身免受宿主植物中抗病毒 RNA 沉默的影响。萝卜皱纹病毒(TCV)的衣壳蛋白 (CP)是一种充分表征的 VSR,而基因沉默抑制因子 3 (SGS3) 是 RNA 沉默途径的重要植物编码组分。TCV CP 的 VSR 活性是否需要它与植物细胞中的 SGS3 结合还有待研究。在这里,我们报告了 TCV CP在酵母和植物细胞中与拟南芥的SGS3 相互作用。这种相互作用是通过酵母双杂交系统鉴定的,并通过双分子荧光互补和本塞姆氏烟草中的细胞内共定位分析得到证实细胞。虽然多个部分 TCV CP 片段可以独立地与 SGS3 相互作用,但其连接表面和突出域的铰链域似乎对于这种相互作用至关重要。相反,SGS3 将其 N 末端结构域和 XS 水稻基因 X 和 SGS3 (XS) 结构域作为主要的 CP 相互作用位点。有趣的是,SGS3 似乎刺激 TCV 积累,因为具有低 VSR 活性的 TCV 突变体的病毒 RNA 水平在sgs3敲除突变体中降低,但在SGS3过表达转基因植物中增加。过表达 TCV CP 的转基因拟南芥植物表现出类似于sgs3敲除突变体的发育异常,并在trans的生物发生中引起类似的缺陷-作用小干扰 RNA。我们的数据表明,TCV CP 与包括 SGS3 以及之前报道的 DRB4(dsRNA 结合蛋白 4)和 AGO2(ARGONAUTE 蛋白 2)在内的多种 RNA 沉默途径成分相互作用,以实现对 RNA 沉默介导的抗病毒防御的有效抑制。