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Chiral effects in astrophysics and cosmology
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics ( IF 14.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ppnp.2022.104016
Kohei Kamada , Naoki Yamamoto , Di-Lun Yang

The microscopic quantum nature of elementary particles, chirality, leads to macroscopic phenomena like the chiral anomaly, chiral magnetic effect, and chiral plasma instability. We review recent progress of the studies of these chiral effects in high-energy astrophysics, such as pulsar kicks, magnetars, and core-collapse supernovae, and early Universe cosmology, such as the primordial magnetic field, baryogenesis, and chiral gravitational waves. We also provide a pedagogical introduction to the chiral effects and low-energy effective theories to describe them in and out of equilibrium—the chiral (magneto)hydrodynamics, chiral kinetic theory, and chiral radiation transport theory for neutrinos.



