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A Neutral FeCl3 Photocatalysis for C–C Bond Animation and Alkylation of Cyclic Alcohols
Synthesis ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-24 , DOI: 10.1055/a-1966-3271
Zongnan Zhang 1 , Ting Xue 1 , Zhe Han 1 , Rong Zeng 1

A modified method for iron-catalyzed C–C bond cleavage and amination and alkylation of nonactivated cyclic alcohols has been developed. Using FeCl3 as catalyst, the photoinduced ligand-to-metal charge transfer facilitates the generation of O-radicals from alcohols, the subsequent β-scission, and finally the radical trapping. Compared with the Fe(OR)3 catalysis, this mildly base-free system could enable the amination in a broader substrate scope with higher yields. Moreover, the C–C bond cleavage and alkylation of cyclic alcohols proceeds with electron-deficient olefins under these conditions.


用于 C-C 键动画和环醇烷基化的中性 FeCl3 光催化

开发了一种用于铁催化的 C-C 键断裂和未活化环状醇的胺化和烷基化的改进方法。使用 FeCl 3作为催化剂,光诱导的配体到金属的电荷转移促进了醇中O自由基的产生、随后的 β 断裂,以及最终的自由基捕获。与Fe(OR) 3催化相比,这种温和的无碱体系可以在更广泛的底物范围内进行胺化反应,产率更高。此外,在这些条件下,环状醇的 C-C 键断裂和烷基化与缺电子烯烃一起进行。
