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Kol Nidrei in Nikolsburg, 1775: An Early Account of a Hasidic Sermon
Zutot ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-23 , DOI: 10.1163/18750214-bja10030
Elly Moseson 1

Descriptions of the delivery of Hasidic sermons are relatively rare, especially from the first decades of the development of the movement. This article presents the earliest extant written account of a Hasidic sermon, which was delivered by Samuel Shmelke Horowitz, the rabbi of the Moravian city of Nikolsburg (Mikulov), on the eve of Yom Kippur of the year 1775. It situates the document containing this hitherto overlooked account in its historical and ideological context and explores the light it sheds on the geographical limits of the Hasidic movement in the 18th century. Appended to the article is an edition of the Hebrew text of the document based on two textual witnesses along with an English translation.


Kol Nidrei 在尼科尔斯堡,1775 年:哈西德布道的早期记述

关于哈西德派布道的描述相对较少,特别是从该运动发展的最初几十年来看。本文介绍了现存最早的哈西德派布道书面记录,该布道由摩拉维亚城市尼科尔斯堡(米库洛夫)的拉比塞缪尔·施梅尔克·霍洛维茨 (Samuel Shmelke Horowitz) 在 1775 年赎罪日前夕发表。迄今为止在其历史和意识形态背景下被忽视的叙述,并探讨了它对 18 世纪哈西德运动地理限制的启示。文章附有该文件的希伯来语文本版本,该版本基于两个文本证人以及英文翻译。
