Behavior Genetics ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s10519-022-10124-9 Shannon W Davis 1, 2 , Hippokratis Kiaris 2, 3 , Vimala Kaza 2, 3 , Michael R Felder 1, 2, 4
Peromyscus maniculatus, including the laboratory stock BW, have been used as a model organism for autism spectrum disorder and obsessive–compulsive disorder because of the high occurrence of stereotypy. Several studies have identified neurological and environmental components of the phenotype; however, the heritability of the phenotype has not been examined. This study characterizes the incidence and heritability of vertical jumping stereotypy (VS) and backflipping (BF) behavior in the BW stock of the Peromyscus Genetic Stock Center, which are indicative of autism spectrum disorders. In addition, interspecies crosses between P. maniculatus and P. polionotus were also performed to further dissect genetically stereotypic behavior. The inheritance pattern of VS suggests that multiple genes result in a quantitative trait with low VS being dominant over high VS. The inheritance pattern of BF suggests that fewer genes are involved, with one allele causing BF in a dominant fashion. An association analysis in BW could reveal the underlying genetic loci associated with stereotypy in P. maniculatus, especially for the BF behavior.

Peromyscus maniculatus(鹿鼠)定型表型的遗传分析
Peromyscus maniculatus,包括实验室库存 BW,由于刻板印象的发生率很高,已被用作自闭症谱系障碍和强迫症的模型生物。几项研究已经确定了表型的神经和环境成分;但是,尚未检查表型的遗传能力。本研究描述了Peromyscus遗传种群中心BW 种群中垂直跳跃刻板行为 (VS) 和后空翻 (BF) 行为的发生率和遗传力,这些行为表明自闭症谱系障碍。此外,P. maniculatus和P. polionotus之间的种间杂交还进行了进一步剖析遗传刻板行为。VS 的遗传模式表明,多个基因导致数量性状,低 VS 比高 VS 显性。BF 的遗传模式表明涉及的基因较少,一个等位基因以显性方式导致 BF。BW 中的关联分析可以揭示与P. maniculatus刻板印象相关的潜在遗传位点,尤其是 BF 行为。