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Light-Driven Cobalt Hydride Catalyzed Hydroarylation of Styrenes
ACS Catalysis ( IF 11.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-22 , DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.2c05109
Enrico Bergamaschi 1 , Victor J. Mayerhofer 1 , Christopher J. Teskey 1

We report a conceptually distinct strategy for the synthesis of 1,1-diarylalkanes and triarylalkanes. Key to this approach is the use of light to simultaneously trigger (i) formation of a CoIII–H species which undergoes H atom transfer (MHAT) to styrenes, giving a carbon-centered radical, and (ii) generation of a persistent (hetero)arene radical. Selective coupling of these two species yields Markovnikov hydroarylation products under mild conditions and without precious metals. In contrast to many previous approaches, electron-deficient (hetero)arene coupling partners are favored and it is possible to construct highly congested quaternary centers, including those with three different aryl groups.



我们报告了一种概念上不同的 1,1-二芳基烷烃和三芳基烷烃合成策略。这种方法的关键是使用光同时触发 (i) Co III –H 物种的形成,该物种经历 H 原子转移 (MHAT) 到苯乙烯,产生以碳为中心的自由基,以及 (ii) 持久的 (杂)芳烃基团。这两个物种的选择性偶联在温和条件下且不含贵金属的情况下产生马尔可夫尼科夫氢芳基化产物。与许多以前的方法相比,缺电子(杂)芳烃偶联伙伴受到青睐,并且可以构建高度拥挤的四元中心,包括具有三个不同芳基的中心。