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A phase 1 open-label study to assess the relative bioavailability of TAK-931 tablets in reference to powder-in-capsule in patients with advanced solid tumors
Investigational New Drugs ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s10637-022-01318-3
Neeltje Steeghs 1 , Melinda Pruis 2 , Carla van Herpen 3 , Vickie Lu 4 , John Redman 5 , Xiaofei Zhou 4

In this phase 1 open-label study, we assessed the relative bioavailability of a prototype tablet formulation of TAK-931, a cell division cycle 7 kinase inhibitor, in reference to the current powder-in-capsule (PIC) formulation in patients with advanced solid tumors for whom no effective standard treatment was available. Adult patients were randomized 1:1 in a crossover fashion to receive one dose of TAK-931 80 mg PIC on Day 1 and one dose of TAK-931 80 mg tablet on Day 3 (or the reverse sequence), followed by TAK-931 50 mg PIC once daily (QD) for 12 days starting from Day 5, before a 7-day rest period (Cycle 0). From Cycle 1, all patients received 50 mg PIC QD on Days 1–14 followed by a 7-day rest period. Twenty patients were enrolled. Median Tmax was achieved approximately 2 h post-dose of TAK-931 80 mg for both tablet and PIC. Geometric mean Cmax, AUC exposures, and T1/2z of TAK-931 were similar for both formulations. Geometric mean Cmax, AUClast, and AUCinf ratios were 0.936 (90% confidence interval [CI]: 0.808–1.084), 1.004 (90% CI: 0.899–1.120), and 1.007 (90% CI: 0.903–1.123), respectively, for TAK-931 tablet in reference to PIC. Discontinuation of TAK-931 due to treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs) occurred in 1 patient. Four (20%) patients experienced a serious TEAE; none were considered related to TAK-931. Pharmacokinetics and systemic exposure profiles were similar following administration of both formulations, supporting the transition from PIC to tablet in the clinical development of TAK-931. (Trial registration number ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03708211. Registration date October 12, 2018).


一项 1 期开放标签研究,以评估 TAK-931 片剂相对于粉末胶囊在晚期实体瘤患者中的相对生物利用度

在这项 1 期开放标签研究中,我们评估了 TAK-931(一种细胞分裂周期 7 激酶抑制剂)原型片剂制剂的相对生物利用度,参考了晚期晚期患者的当前粉末胶囊 (PIC) 制剂没有有效标准治疗的实体瘤。成年患者以交叉方式按 1:1 随机分配,在第 1 天接受一剂 TAK-931 80 mg PIC,在第 3 天接受一剂 TAK-931 80 mg 片剂(或相反顺序),随后接受 TAK-931从第 5 天开始,在 7 天休息期(第 0 周期)之前,每天一次 (QD) 50 mg PIC,持续 12 天。从第 1 周期开始,所有患者在第 1-14 天接受 50 mg PIC QD,然后休息 7 天。招募了 20 名患者。中值 T最大值对于片剂和 PIC,在服用 TAK-931 80 mg 后约 2 小时达到。两种制剂的 TAK-931几何平均 C max、AUC 暴露量和 T 1/2z相似。几何平均数 C max、 AUC last和 AUC infTAK-931 片剂的比率分别为 0.936(90% 置信区间 [CI]:0.808–1.084)、1.004(90% CI:0.899–1.120)和 1.007(90% CI:0.903–1.123)图片。1 名患者因治疗中出现的不良事件 (TEAE) 而停用 TAK-931。四名 (20%) 患者经历了严重的 TEAE;没有一个被认为与 TAK-931 相关。两种制剂给药后的药代动力学和全身暴露情况相似,支持在 TAK-931 的临床开发中从 PIC 过渡到片剂。(试验注册号 ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03708211。注册日期 2018 年 10 月 12 日)。
