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Employee Green Behavior as the Core of Environmentally Sustainable Organizations
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-19 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-orgpsych-120920-050421
Hannes Zacher 1 , Cort W. Rudolph 2 , Ian M. Katz 3

Environmental sustainability has become an ethical and strategic imperative for organizations, and more and more employees are interested, encouraged, or instructed to act in environmentally sustainable ways. Consequently, organizational scholars have increasingly studied individual-level antecedents of employee pro-environmental or employee green behavior (EGB). We argue that, to advance this literature and to inform effective interventions, research should investigate how EGB, as a compound performance domain, is associated with antecedents and consequences at multiple levels (i.e., individual, team, work context, organization, society). Accordingly, we pursue three interrelated goals with this review. We first present a comprehensive review of research on EGB, including definitions, theoretical frameworks, methodological approaches, and empirical findings. Second, we develop an integrative conceptual model of EGB as the core of organizational environmental sustainability. Third, we conclude with recommendations for future theory development and methodological improvements, as well as practical implications for employees, leaders, and human resource management.



环境可持续性已成为组织的道德和战略要求,越来越多的员工有兴趣、鼓励或指示以环境可持续的方式行事。因此,组织学者越来越多地研究员工亲环境或员工绿色行为(EGB)的个人层面因素。我们认为,为了推进这一文献的发展并为有效的干预措施提供信息,研究应该调查 EGB 作为一个复合绩效领域,如何与多个层面(即个人、团队、工作环境、组织、社会)的前因和后果相关联。因此,我们通过这次审查追求三个相互关联的目标。我们首先对 EGB 研究进行全面回顾,包括定义、理论框架、方法论和实证结果。其次,我们开发了一个以 EGB 为核心的组织环境可持续性的综合概念模型。第三,我们最后提出了对未来理论发展和方法改进的建议,以及对员工、领导者和人力资源管理的实际影响。