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Executive function and visual attention in sport: a systematic review
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-17 , DOI: 10.1080/1750984x.2022.2145574
Jack Brimmell 1 , Elizabeth J. Edwards 2 , Robert S. Vaughan 3


Research has attested to the importance of three lower-order executive functions (EFs; inhibition, shifting, and updating) and visual attention (VA) for sport performance. However, there is limited research examining the association between EF and VA in sport. The present study systematically reviewed literature from Web of Science, Scopus, MEDLINE, APA PsycInfo, PubMed, SPORTDiscus, CINAHL, and Discover EBSCO that examined both EF and VA in sport following PRISMA guidelines. Experiments that were full-texts published in English, contained original data, quantitatively measured EF and VA, and allowed for direct or inferred comments on the relationship between EF and VA were eligible for inclusion. Twenty-two experiments met the inclusion criteria. Results showed large discrepancies in the labelling of sporting expertise, that EF outcomes typically focus on response accuracy over response time, and that quiet eye and number and duration of fixations are popular VA variables. Though limited, studies comparing EF and VA directly indicated a positive relationship suggesting an important link between the two. In sum, more direct assessments of the association between EF and VA are needed to understand their respective and joint contribution to sport performance.




研究证明了三种低阶执行功能(EF;抑制、转移和更新)和视觉注意力 (VA) 对于运动表现的重要性。然而,关于运动中 EF 和 VA 之间关联的研究有限。本研究系统地回顾了来自 Web of Science、Scopus、MEDLINE、APA PsycInfo、PubMed、SPORTDiscus、CINAHL 和 Discover EBSCO 的文献,这些文献按照 PRISMA 指南检查了运动中的 EF 和 VA。以英文全文发表、包含原始数据、定量测量的 EF 和 VA,并允许对 EF 和 VA 之间的关系进行直接或推断评论的实验符合纳入条件。22 个实验符合纳入标准。结果表明,运动专长的标签存在很大差异,EF 结果通常侧重于响应时间的响应准确性,并且安静的眼睛和注视的数量和持续时间是流行的 VA 变量。虽然有限,但比较 EF 和 VA 的研究直接表明了两者之间存在重要联系的正相关关系。总之,需要对 EF 和 VA 之间的关联进行更直接的评估,以了解它们各自和共同对运动表现的贡献。
