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Competitive Liberalization, Postneoliberalism, and Hegemony: The Case of the US-Peru Free Trade Agreement
Latin American Politics and Society ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-17 , DOI: 10.1017/lap.2022.33
Quintijn B. Kat

Postneoliberal regionalism in Latin America has failed to live up to the expectations of its proponents and analysts in the late 2000s and early 2010s. Several causes explain its disappointing result, but a relatively understudied cause may be found in the US policy of competitive liberalization. This policy not only aimed at securing US economic and trade interests but also served as a counterweight against emerging postneoliberalism and as a tool for reaffirming US hegemony. This article presents a case study of one example of competitive liberalization in action, the US-Peru FTA, in order to assess how the policy functioned and contributed to curbing the posthegemonic moment in Latin America. It observes a combination of coercion and the political influence of beneficiaries of free trade, and it considers how these dynamics worked to strengthen US influence, both in Peru and in the wider regional political economy.



拉丁美洲的后新自由主义区域主义在 2000 年代末和 2010 年代初未能达到其支持者和分析人士的期望。有几个原因可以解释其令人失望的结果,但一个相对未被充分研究的原因可能是美国的竞争自由化政策。这一政策不仅旨在确保美国的经济和贸易利益,而且也是对新出现的后新自由主义的制衡和重申美国霸权的工具。本文介绍了一个正在实施的竞争性自由化的案例研究,即美国-秘鲁自由贸易协定,以评估该政策如何发挥作用并有助于遏制拉丁美洲的后霸权时刻。它观察到自由贸易受益者的胁迫和政治影响的结合,
