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Correlation analysis of human upper arm parameters to oscillometric signal in automatic blood pressure measurement
Scientific Reports ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-17 , DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-24264-9
Bomi Lee 1 , Jae-Hak Jeong 1 , Junki Hong 1 , Yong-Hwa Park 1

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of global deaths, making cardiovascular health monitoring important. Measuring blood pressure using an automatic sphygmomanometer is the most widely used method to monitor cardiovascular health due to its accessibility, convenience, and strong correlation with cardiovascular diseases. In this work, in order to estimate brachial artery diameter, stiffness, or thickness using an automatic sphygmomanometer, the correlation between upper arm parameters and the oscillometric signal was intensively investigated through analytical, numerical, and experimental approaches. The parametric studies commonly revealed that the inner radius of the brachial artery is the most influential parameter in determining the amplitude of the oscillometric signal. The experimental results of using a cardiovascular simulator (a virtual patient) combined with upper arm phantoms with various inner radii of the brachial artery showed a 6.5% change in the oscillometric signal amplitude with a 10% artery radius variation. It was concluded that the oscillometric signal can be used to evaluate brachial artery diameter. Based on the clinical relationship between brachial artery diameter and cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, and obesity, this study showed and verified a novel method to monitor brachial artery diameter and hence, cardiovascular risks while measuring blood pressure.



心血管疾病是全球死亡的主要原因,因此心血管健康监测非常重要。使用自动血压计测量血压是最广泛使用的监测心血管健康的方法,因为它的可访问性、方便性以及与心血管疾病的强相关性。在这项工作中,为了使用自动血压计估计肱动脉直径、刚度或厚度,通过分析、数值和实验方法深入研究了上臂参数与示波信号之间的相关性。参数研究通常表明,肱动脉的内径是确定示波信号幅度的最有影响力的参数。使用心血管模拟器(a虚拟患者)与具有各种肱动脉内径的上臂模型相结合,示波信号振幅变化为 6.5%,动脉半径变化为 10%。得出的结论是,示波信号可用于评估肱动脉直径。基于肱动脉直径与高血压、糖尿病和肥胖等心血管危险因素之间的临床关系,本研究展示并验证了一种在测量血压的同时监测肱动脉直径和心血管风险的新方法。
