Computational Particle Mechanics ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s40571-022-00528-z Abdollah Shabani Shahrbabaki , Vali Kalantar , Seyed Hossein Mansouri
In this study, the hydrodynamic simulation of molybdenite powder fluidized bed has been carried out analytically and numerically. The ultimate goal of this research was to design a fluidized bed dryer and roaster for molybdenite powder of Khaton-Abad Molybdenite Factory. The Euler-Euler approach was used to model a fluidized bed to predict the minimum fluidization velocity and behavior of solids in the molybdenite fluidized bed roaster by using the CFD package ANSYS FLUENT. The minimum fluidization velocity, which is one of the most critical parameters for the design and operation of fluidized beds, was obtained analytically and numerically. Numerical result shows that the minimum fluidization velocity for spherical molybdenite particles of 0.0001 m in size and density of 4600 kg/m3 is 2 cm/s at a temperature of 300 K. The computational geometry of a 2D fluidized bed had a height of 0.5 m and a width of 0.05 m. Analytical results show that the minimum fluidization velocity at 870 K is about half of the minimum fluidization velocity at 300 K. A correlation has been derived from the Ergun equation and the hypothesis of Wen and Yu for predicting the minimum fluidization velocity of irregular and spherical particles at low particle Reynolds numbers. The computational results and the prediction with the derived correlation were in good agreement with the experimental data for various types and diameters of particles.

在这项研究中,辉钼矿粉流化床的流体动力学模拟已经进行了分析和数值计算。本研究的最终目标是为 Khaton-Abad 辉钼矿厂设计辉钼矿粉流化床干燥机和焙烧炉。使用 Euler-Euler 方法对流化床进行建模,以使用 CFD 软件包 ANSYS FLUENT 预测辉钼矿流化床焙烧炉中固体的最小流化速度和行为。最小流化速度是流化床设计和运行的最关键参数之一,通过分析和数值计算得到。数值结果表明,粒径为0.0001 m、密度为4600 kg/m3的球形辉钼矿颗粒在300 K温度下的最小流化速度为2 cm/s。二维流化床的计算几何高度为 0.5 m,宽度为 0.05 m。分析结果表明,870 K 时的最小流化速度约为 300 K 时最小流化速度的一半。从 Ergun 方程和 Wen 和 Yu 的假设中得出了相关性,用于预测不规则和球形颗粒的最小流化速度在低粒子雷诺数下。计算结果和推导相关性的预测与各种类型和直径的颗粒的实验数据非常一致。从 Ergun 方程和 Wen 和 Yu 的假设导出了相关性,用于预测低颗粒雷诺数下不规则和球形颗粒的最小流化速度。计算结果和推导相关性的预测与各种类型和直径的颗粒的实验数据非常一致。从 Ergun 方程和 Wen 和 Yu 的假设导出了相关性,用于预测低颗粒雷诺数下不规则和球形颗粒的最小流化速度。计算结果和推导相关性的预测与各种类型和直径的颗粒的实验数据非常一致。