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Harnessing the potential of online marketplaces in the Philippines: Insights from the National Information and Communications Technology Household Survey
Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-17 , DOI: 10.1002/app5.365
Connie Bayudan‐Dacuycuy 1 , Lawrence B. Dacuycuy 2

Using the Philippinesʼ first nationally representative survey designed to characterise digital commercial and non-commercial engagements, including the use of information and communications technology (ICT), the digital economy, and technology-enabled activities, we investigate the presence of gendered disparities in online marketplaces. This is consistent with the spirit of a gender and development approach that aims for equitable outcomes between men and women. We verify whether the observed participation of women in online marketplaces results in higher online sales. To establish the determinants of participation in and incomes from online marketplaces, we use a Heckman estimator in cognisance of the non-random choices people make when they enter online marketplaces. The negative selection indicates that those likely to sell have unobserved attributes negatively correlated with online income. Based on our modelʼs income predictions, men outperform women in online sales and hold the advantage, replicating a trend observed in traditional marketplaces. Results also highlight the importance of skills, digital awareness and habits, selling platforms, and ICT infrastructure. The paper also identifies potential initiatives for online marketplaces.



我们使用菲律宾首次旨在描述数字商业和非商业活动特征的全国代表性调查,包括信息和通信技术 (ICT) 的使用、数字经济和技术支持的活动,我们调查在线市场中存在的性别差异. 这符合旨在实现男女平等结果的性别与发展方法的精神。我们验证观察到的女性参与在线市场是否会导致更高的在线销售额。为了确定在线市场参与度和收入的决定因素,我们使用 Heckman 估计量来了解人们在进入在线市场时做出的非随机选择。负选择表明那些可能出售的人具有与在线收入负相关的未观察到的属性。根据我们模型的收入预测,男性在网上销售方面优于女性并占据优势,复制了传统市场中观察到的趋势。结果还强调了技能、数字意识和习惯、销售平台以及 ICT 基础设施的重要性。该文件还确定了在线市场的潜在举措。