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A multi-proxy study of Umbric Ferralsols genesis in a high-mountain environment in Rio de Janeiro state
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-16 , DOI: 10.1002/esp.5513
Marcos Gervasio Pereira 1 , Rafael Cipriano da Silva 2 , Carlos Roberto Pinheiro Junior 1 , Eduardo Carvalho da Silva Neto 1 , Ademir Fontana 3 , Jolimar Antonio Schiavo 4 , Deyvid Diego Carvalho Maranhão 5 , Antônio Carlos de Azevedo 6 , Anderson Almeida Pacheco 7

The formation of strongly weathered soils of the tropics (Ferralsols) with high carbon stocks (thick A-horizon/umbric horizon) is still not understood. In order to contribute to the understanding of the formation of Umbric Ferralsols, we studied these soils in the highlands of Rio de Janeiro state (Brazil) from various perspectives. We analysed soil morphology, micromorphology, physical and chemical soil attributes, soil phytolith assemblages, and δ13C isotopic composition in a multi-proxy study. The profiles presented ferralic horizons with SiO2/Al2O3 ratio (ki index) < 1.0, low silt/clay ratio values, predominance of kaolinite and presence of gibbsite, and low cation exchange capacity. These characteristics indicate a high degree of weathering and ferralitization. The isotopic and phytolithic variations indicate climatic modifications during the Late Holocene (approximately 2300 years ago), with a predominance of mixed vegetation composed of plants of the C3 and C4 photosynthetic cycles. This condition favoured the accumulation of organic matter in the Umbric Ferralsols. The accumulation of organic matter in subsurface B horizons occurred under drier past climatic conditions in a savanna environment, which may have favoured the occurrence of fires, thereby explaining the charcoal fragments identified in the micromorphological analyses. In contrast, the development of the umbric horizon in the profiles was favoured under wetter environmental conditions than the present environmental conditions, and favoured the development of vegetation and intense accumulation of organic material on the surface and at depths close to 100 cm. The pedogenesis of umbric horizons in Ferralsols reinforces the importance of bioturbation in the incorporation of organic matter, intensifying the humification and resulting in a strong darkening of the soil (melanization).


里约热内卢州高山环境中 Umbric Ferralsols 成因的多代理研究

具有高碳储量(厚 A 层/阴影层)的热带强风化土壤(Ferralsols)的形成仍不清楚。为了有助于了解 Umbric Ferralsols 的形成,我们从不同的角度研究了里约热内卢州(巴西)高地的这些土壤。我们在多代理研究中分析了土壤形态、微形态、土壤物理和化学属性、土壤植硅体组合和 δ 13 C 同位素组成。分布图呈现出具有 SiO 2 /Al 2 O 3比率 ( k i指数)< 1.0,低淤泥/粘土比值,高岭石占优势和三水铝石的存在,以及低阳离子交换能力。这些特征表明高度风化和铁素体化。同位素和植岩体变化表明全新世晚期(大约 2300 年前)的气候变化,主要由 C3 和 C4 光合循环植物组成的混合植被。这种情况有利于 Umbric Ferralsols 中有机物质的积累。在稀树草原环境中过去较干燥的气候条件下,地下 B 层中有机物质的积累可能有利于火灾的发生,从而解释了微形态分析中发现的木炭碎片。相比之下,在比当前环境条件更潮湿的环境条件下,剖面中的伞层层的发展有利于植被的发展和有机物质在地表和接近 100 厘米深处的大量积累。Ferralsols 中暗影层的成土作用强化了生物扰动在有机质结合中的重要性,强化了腐殖化并导致土壤强烈变黑(黑化)。