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Parental role construction leading to parental involvement in culturally distinct communities
Educational Psychologist ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-15 , DOI: 10.1080/00461520.2022.2131554
Meca Williams-Johnson 1 , Alyssa R. Gonzalez-DeHass 2


The home environment, especially parental involvement in the learning process, plays a substantial role in cultivating beneficial student learning outcomes. As a special issue on parental involvement, the articles herein share new insights on parental role construction and parental involvement within diverse contexts. The central focus spotlights the Hoover-Dempsey and Sandler (HDS) model of parental involvement and more specifically the psychological construct of parental role construction. Special attention is given to sociodemographic and cultural differences that influence parent involvement in an increasingly diverse school population that offers a collective counter narrative to deficit approaches of parental involvement. The ideas and methods shared within the articles are also situated within other trends in parent involvement practices that include parents’ role in supporting students’ positive development, self-sufficiency in their academic learning and future decision-making, as well as how parents view their role amidst the increasing use of digital tools for at-home learning. Each article within the special issue considers the complexities of the context, alignment to parental role construction and involvement, and new trends and directions for research on parental involvement.




家庭环境,尤其是父母对学习过程的参与,在培养有益的学生学习成果方面发挥着重要作用。作为父母参与的特刊,本文的文章分享了不同背景下父母角色建构和父母参与的新见解。中心焦点突出了父母参与的 Hoover-Dempsey 和 Sandler (HDS) 模型,更具体地说是父母角色建构的心理建构。特别关注影响家长参与日益多样化的学校人口的社会人口和文化差异,这为家长参与的缺陷方法提供了集体反叙述。文章中分享的想法和方法也符合家长参与实践的其他趋势,包括家长在支持学生积极发展、学业自给自足和未来决策方面的作用,以及家长如何看待他们的孩子。在越来越多地使用数字工具进行家庭学习中发挥作用。特刊中的每篇文章都考虑了背景的复杂性、与父母角色构建和参与的一致性,以及父母参与研究的新趋势和方向。
