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Solid-State Structures of Primary Long-Chain Alkylamine Borane Adducts – Synthesis, Properties and Computational Analysis
ChemistrySelect ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-16 , DOI: 10.1002/slct.202203533
Kevin Turani‐I‐Belloto 1 , María‐José Valero‐Pedraza 1 , Eddy Petit 1 , Rodica Chiriac 2 , François Toche 2 , Dominique Granier 3 , Pascal G. Yot 3 , Johan G. Alauzun 3 , Umit B. Demirci 1

Hexadecylamine borane C16H33NH2BH3 and octadecylamine borane C18H37NH2BH3 are two new primary long-chain alkylamine borane adducts. They were synthesized under argon atmosphere from commercial amines and a complex borane complex. They were acutely analyzed (using experimental and computational tools) with special emphasis on dihydrogen bonds Hδ+⋅⋅⋅Hδ− that drive their solid state.



十六胺硼烷C 16 H 33 NH 2 BH 3和十八胺硼烷C 18 H 37 NH 2 BH 3是两种新型伯长链烷基胺硼烷加合物。它们是在氩气氛下由商业胺和复杂的硼烷络合物合成的。对它们进行了敏锐的分析(使用实验和计算工具),特别强调驱动其固态的二氢键 H δ+ ⋅⋅⋅ H δ− 。