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Late-stage Modification of Cage Diones by Tandem Metathesis
Chemistry - An Asian Journal ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-16 , DOI: 10.1002/asia.202201022
Sambasivarao Kotha 1 , Gulazarahind Mehta 1

Long route syntheses and difficulties in the separation of the caged diastereomers are the main cause of limited reports on the synthetic application of cage diastereomers (syn-endo-anti and syn-endo-syn). Therefore, we report the application of olefin metathesis on quite intricate systems i. e. heptacyclic cage propellanes. For the first time, we explored the metathetic behavior of bicyclo[2.2.1]heptene unit attached to the Cookson's dione. The vast application of the cage compounds especially as high energy density materials (HEDMs) inspired us to execute this study.



笼型非对映异构体( syn-endo-antisyn-endo-syn)合成应用报道有限的主要原因是笼型非对映异构体合成路线长、分离难度大。因此,我们报告了烯烃复分解在相当复杂的系统 i 上的应用。e. 七环笼推进剂。我们首次探讨了与 Cookson 二酮相连的双环 [2.2.1] 庚烯单元的复分解行为。笼状化合物的广泛应用,尤其是作为高能量密度材料 (HEDM) 的应用,激发了我们开展这项研究的灵感。