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Understanding Human Object Vision: A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Representations
Annual Review of Psychology ( IF 23.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-15 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-psych-032720-041031
Stefania Bracci 1 , Hans P Op de Beeck 2

Objects are the core meaningful elements in our visual environment. Classic theories of object vision focus upon object recognition and are elegant and simple. Some of their proposals still stand, yet the simplicity is gone. Recent evolutions in behavioral paradigms, neuroscientific methods, and computational modeling have allowed vision scientists to uncover the complexity of the multidimensional representational space that underlies object vision. We review these findings and propose that the key to understanding this complexity is to relate object vision to the full repertoire of behavioral goals that underlie human behavior, running far beyond object recognition. There might be no such thing as core object recognition, and if it exists, then its importance is more limited than traditionally thought.


