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Flume experiment study of the formation process and sedimentary characteristics of a shallow-water delta
Geological Journal ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-13 , DOI: 10.1002/gj.4627
Cheng Chen 1 , Yixiang Zhu 2 , Zhengdong Lei 2 , Shunming Li 2 , Yun Jiang 2

This paper investigates the influence of water level oscillation and sediment supply volume on shallow-water delta development by means of a flume experiment. The experiment simulated the natural water level by dividing a cycle of sediment period into four parts: the draught period, the flood period (FP), the interflood period in a falling limb (IPF) and the interflood period in a rising limb (IPR). During the FP, flooding broke former channels and a large amount of sediments were evenly unloaded at the surface of lobes. Erosion often appeared at the beginning of the IPF and was dominant at low stand. Most sediments were concentrated in incised valleys and unloaded at the channel mouth to form a new lobe during the falling limb. Erosional channels and lobes were broken at the IPR. Sediments homogeneously covered the surface of lobes and few new lobes appeared during the period. Different sediment supplies influenced the characteristics of incised valley and channel style. Low sediment supply to the delta was strongly influenced by water level change, while high sediment supply was mainly affected by fluvial processes. Based on the flow sand content of water, channels can be classified into four types: (a) narrow and deep multiple channels, (b) narrow and shallow branch channels, (c) broad and shallow main channels, and (d) broad and deep stable channels. Their width-to-depth ratios are 1.1–3.5, 5.1–12.9, 7.3–20.2, 2.6–4.6, respectively. Most mouth bars were initially formed but then broken by water level oscillation and channel bifurcation. The preserved mouth bars were well preserved at the far end of lobes, where they entered the low-energy environment.



本文通过水槽实验研究了水位波动和输沙量对浅水三角洲发育的影响。试验模拟自然水位,将一个泥沙周期循环分为吃水期、泛洪期(FP)、下降肢间淹期(IPF)和上升肢间淹期(IPR)四个部分。 . FP 期间,洪水冲破了原有的河道,大量沉积物被均匀地卸载到叶体表面。侵蚀常出现在 IPF 初期,在低位占主导地位。大部分沉积物集中在下切的山谷中,并在河道口卸下,在下肢过程中形成新的波瓣。侵蚀通道和裂片在 IPR 处被破坏。沉积物均匀地覆盖在裂片表面,在此期间几乎没有新的裂片出现。不同的泥沙供给影响了下切谷和河道类型的特征。三角洲的低沉积物供应受水位变化的强烈影响,而高沉积物供应主要受河流过程的影响。根据水的流沙含量,渠道可分为四种类型:(a)窄而深的多渠道,(b)窄而浅的分支渠道,(c)宽而浅的主渠道,以及(d)宽而浅的支渠道深稳定渠道。它们的宽高比分别为 1.1–3.5、5.1–12.9、7.3–20.2、2.6–4.6。大多数口坝最初形成,但随后因水位振荡和河道分叉而破裂。保存完好的嘴巴在裂片的远端保存完好,