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Spatial characterization of redox processes and speciation of Ru(III) anticancer complexes by 19F magnetic resonance imaging
Chemical Communications ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-15 , DOI: 10.1039/d2cc04830b
Gregory A MacNeil 1 , Stephanie W Chang 1 , Kathleen E Prosser 1 , Eric Ye 1 , Devon Heroux 2 , Andrew R Lewis 1, 3 , Marcel Bally 2 , Charles J Walsby 1

The application of CF3-labeled Ru(III) anticancer complexes to magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of tumour tissues is demonstrated. By combining anatomical chemical-shift selective (CHESS) imaging with 19F chemical-shift imaging (CSI) MR methods, we show that oxidation states and ligand-exchange processes of the complexes can be spatially encoded. Measurements on different tissue models, including a human breast adenocarcinoma tumour, validate the application of these complexes as MR theranostics for the sensing and targeting of hypoxia.


通过 19F 磁共振成像对 Ru(III) 抗癌复合物的氧化还原过程和形态的空间表征

展示了 CF 3标记的 Ru( III ) 抗癌复合物在肿瘤组织磁共振 (MR) 成像中的应用。通过将解剖化学位移选择性 (CHESS) 成像与19 F 化学位移成像 (CSI) MR 方法相结合,我们表明可以对复合物的氧化态和配体交换过程进行空间编码。对不同组织模型(包括人类乳腺癌肿瘤)的测量验证了这些复合物作为 MR 治疗诊断学在缺氧感测和靶向方面的应用。