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Mental Health in the Workplace
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-14 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-orgpsych-120920-050527
E. Kevin Kelloway 1 , Jennifer K. Dimoff 2 , Stephanie Gilbert 3

The increasing societal awareness of employee mental health issues, especially within the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, has led to a great deal of research examining the occupational predictors and outcomes of mental ill health. The consequences of employee mental illness can be significant to organizations, whereas providing employee mental health resources may offer a competitive advantage. This article provides a review of the definitions of employee mental health, the costs of employee mental illness to organizations and to society as a whole, and the role of the workplace in promoting positive mental health, preventing mental illness, intervening to address employee mental ill health, and accommodating employees experiencing mental health challenges. We present recommendations for future research and implications for practice.



社会对员工心理健康问题的认识不断提高,特别是在当前的 COVID-19 大流行期间,引发了大量研究,以检验心理疾病的职业预测因素和结果。员工心理疾病的后果可能对组织产生重大影响,而为员工提供心理健康资源可能会带来竞争优势。本文回顾了员工心理健康的定义、员工心理疾病给组织和整个社会造成的成本,以及工作场所在促进积极心理健康、预防心理疾病、干预解决员工心理疾病方面的作用健康,并为遇到心理健康挑战的员工提供便利。我们提出了对未来研究的建议以及对实践的影响。