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Identifying the surface active sites of FeOx-modified Pt/Nb2O5 catalysts in CO and propane oxidation
Applied Catalysis A: General ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apcata.2022.118960
Bei Li , Xu-Fang Wang , Wei-Yue Wang , Chu-Feng Liu , Lin-Cong He , Meng-Fei Luo , Jian Chen

A comparative study on FeOx-modified Pt/Nb2O5 catalyzing CO and propane oxidation has been conducted to differentiate the surface active sites demanded for these two important reactions. Pt-Fe/Nb2O5 displays improved activity for CO oxidation but decreased activity for propane oxidation compared to Pt/Nb2O5. Detailed characterizations reveal the alteration of the geometrical and electronic states of Pt species and surface acidity induced upon the addition of FeOx, thus clarifying the divergent catalytic responses in CO and propane oxidation. Pt-FeOx interface sites promotes oxygen activation that is a crucial step in CO oxidation, thereby accelerating the CO oxidation. However, the rate-determining step in propane oxidation is propane activation that requires the synergistic catalysis of acid sites and Pt0, the critical active sites for propane oxidation. The inferior activity of Pt-Fe/Nb2O5 in propane oxidation is explained by the coverage of acid sites and Pt species.


确定 FeOx 修饰的 Pt/Nb2O5 催化剂在 CO 和丙烷氧化中的表面活性位点

对 FeO x修饰的 Pt/Nb 2 O 5催化 CO 和丙烷氧化进行了比较研究,以区分这两个重要反应所需的表面活性位点。与Pt/Nb 2 O 5相比, Pt-Fe/Nb 2 O 5显示出改善的CO氧化活性但降低的丙烷氧化活性。详细的表征揭示了添加 FeO x后 Pt 物种的几何和电子状态以及表面酸度的改变,从而阐明了 CO 和丙烷氧化中的不同催化反应。Pt-FeO x界面位点促进氧活化,这是 CO 氧化的关键步骤,从而加速 CO 氧化。然而,丙烷氧化的决速步骤是丙烷活化,需要酸性位点和 Pt 0的协同催化,Pt 0是丙烷氧化的关键活性位点。Pt-Fe/Nb 2 O 5在丙烷氧化中的较差活性可以用酸性位点和 Pt 物种的覆盖率来解释。
