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Chemical Absorption of CO2 Enhanced by Solutions of Alkali Hydroxides and Alkoxides at Room Temperature
ChemistrySelect ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-14 , DOI: 10.1002/slct.202202731
Plínio C. De Carvalho Pinto 1 , Thais V. Batista 2 , Gabriel De Rezende Ferreira 2 , Geison P. Voga 2 , Luiz C. A. Oliveira 2 , Henrique S. Oliveira 2 , Leonardo A. De Souza 3 , Jadson C. Belchior 2

Alkaline solutions formed by alkali hydroxides and alkoxides have a high potential for CO2 capture. Increasing the ethanol-to-water ratio reduces the boiling temperature in the solvent regeneration step. This is a considerable advantage compared to pure aqueous solutions.


室温下碱金属氢氧化物和醇盐溶液增强 CO2 的化学吸收

由碱性氢氧化物和醇盐形成的碱性溶液具有捕获CO 2的高潜力。增加乙醇与水的比例会降低溶剂再生步骤中的沸点。与纯水溶液相比,这是一个相当大的优势。