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Local context and post-crisis social venture creation
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-11 , DOI: 10.1002/sej.1448
Sergey Anokhin 1 , Todd Morgan 2 , Lisa Jones Christensen 3 , William Schulze 4

We investigate the effects of local market and government failure on the creation of social ventures in the context of post-crisis recovery during the period following the dot-com crisis and ending before the housing bubble burst across all Ohio counties. Drawing on social embeddedness theory, we posit that social venture creation rates vary across local contexts and are higher in communities characterized by market and government failures. Longitudinal contextual data from 88 Ohio counties indicates that situations characterized by failures of both types are especially conducive to the creation of local social enterprises. We address the shortage of longitudinal quantitative studies focused on the emergence of social entrepreneurship and identify conditions where the relationship between local context and social venture creation is important.



我们调查了在互联网危机之后和俄亥俄州所有县的房地产泡沫破裂之前结束的危机后复苏背景下,当地市场和政府失灵对创建社会企业的影响。借鉴社会嵌入理论,我们假设社会风险创造率因当地环境而异,并且在以市场和政府失灵为特征的社区中更高。来自俄亥俄州 88 个县的纵向背景数据表明,以两种类型的失败为特征的情况特别有利于当地社会企业的创建。我们解决了关注社会企业家精神出现的纵向定量研究的不足,并确定了当地背景与社会企业创造之间的关系很重要的条件。