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Spatial and Temporal Organization of Chromatin at Small and Large Scales
Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-09 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-conmatphys-040821-115729
Helmut Schiessel 1

DNA molecules with a total length of two meters contain the genetic information in every cell in our body. To control access to the genes, to organize its spatial structure in the nucleus, and to duplicate and faithfully separate the genetic material, the cell makes use of sophisticated physical mechanisms. Base pair sequences multiplex various layers of information, chromatin remodelers mobilize nucleosomes via twist defects, loop extruders create a system of nonconcatenated rings to spatially organize chromatin, and biomolecular condensates concentrate proteins and nucleic acids in specialized membraneless compartments. In this review, we discuss the current state of understanding of some of these mechanisms that influence the organization of the genetic material in space and time.



总长度为两米的 DNA 分子包含我们身体每个细胞的遗传信息。为了控制对基因的访问,在细胞核中组织其空间结构,以及复制和忠实地分离遗传物质,细胞利用了复杂的物理机制。碱基对序列可复用各种信息层,染色质重塑剂通过扭曲缺陷动员核小体,环挤出机创建一个非串联环系统以在空间上组织染色质,生物分子凝聚物将蛋白质和核酸集中在专门的无膜隔室中。在这篇综述中,我们讨论了对影响遗传物质在空间和时间组织中的一些机制的理解现状。