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Simvastatin and non-segmental vitiligo: A new potential treatment option?
Dermatologic Therapy ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-08 , DOI: 10.1111/dth.15969
Engi Seif E Shaker 1 , Sherihan H Allam 2 , Maaly M Mabrouk 3 , Nashwa M Elgharbawy 4 , Shady Fikry Abdel Salaam 1

There is a paucity of data about the impact of systemic statins on vitiliginous lesions in non-segmental vitiligo (NSV) patients. To the best of our knowledge, no other studies have considered the correlation between lipid disturbances in vitiligo and vitiligo disease activity (VIDA) score. We sought in this study to evaluate the influence of simvastatin on vitiliginous lesions in NSV patients with dyslipidemia and study the correlation between VIDA score and lipid profile. This clinical trial started with 120 patients with NSV, 79 patients had dyslipidemia and received simvastatin 80 mg daily (till normalization of lipid profile or for 4 months, which came first) and only 63 patients continued till the end of the study. Lipid profile, vitiligo area severity index and VIDA were assessed before and 6 months after the end of simvastatin use. Serum total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), very low-density lipoprotein, and LDL/HDL ratio showed statistically significant increases in the NSV than in the control group (p ˂ 0.001). There was a statistically significant positive correlation between VIDA and serum levels of TC and LDL and with LDL/HDL ratio. Simvastatin significantly improved the lipid profile and significantly decreased VIDA (p < 0.011). Negative moderate correlation was found between the decrease in VIDA and duration of disease (r = −0.562, p < 0.001). Simvastatin 80 mg daily could be a helpful treatment for NSV patients with dyslipidemia, controlling the vitiligo activity and protecting against the hazardous effects of dyslipidemia. Better results can be obtained in patients with short duration of the disease.



关于全身性他汀类药物对非节段性白斑 (NSV) 患者白斑病变影响的数据很少。据我们所知,没有其他研究考虑过白斑病中脂质紊乱与白斑病活动度 (VIDA) 评分之间的相关性。我们在本研究中寻求评估辛伐他汀对 NSV 血脂异常患者白斑病变的影响,并研究 VIDA 评分与血脂谱之间的相关性。该临床试验从 120 名 NSV 患者开始,其中 79 名患者患有血脂异常并每天接受辛伐他汀 80 mg(直至脂质谱正常化或持续 4 个月,这是最先发生的),只有 63 名患者持续到研究结束。在辛伐他汀使用结束前和结束后 6 个月评估血脂谱、白斑面积严重程度指数和 VIDA。p  ˂ 0.001)。VIDA 与血清 TC 和 LDL 水平以及 LDL/HDL 比率之间存在统计学上显着的正相关。辛伐他汀显着改善血脂谱并显着降低 VIDA ( p  < 0.011)。在 VIDA 减少和疾病持续时间之间发现了负中度相关性 ( r  = −0.562, p  < 0.001)。每天 80 毫克辛伐他汀可能有助于治疗 NSV 血脂异常患者,控制白斑活动并防止血脂异常的危险影响。病程短的患者可以获得更好的结果。