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High versus low dose oral isotretinoin in the treatment of cutaneous and genital warts
Dermatologic Therapy ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-08 , DOI: 10.1111/dth.15964
Ahmad Nofal 1, 2 , Mohamed M Fawzy 2, 3 , Fatma Eldeeb 1, 2 , Hager Nofal 1 , Esraa E El-Hawary 3

Although oral isotretinoin has been considered as a potential therapeutic option for the treatment of different types of warts, the optimum dosage regimen is not yet well-established. To evaluate the efficacy and adverse effects of high versus low doses of oral isotretinoin in the treatment of cutaneous and genital warts. The study included 100 patients who were randomly assigned to two groups, 50 patients in each. Group 1 received 0.6 mg/kg/day (high dose isotretinoin) and Group 2 received 0.3 mg/kg/day (low dose isotretinoin). In both groups, therapy was given daily until resolution was achieved or for a maximum of 3 months. Complete clearance of warts was observed in 76% of the high dose isotretinoin group and in 46% of the low dose isotretinoin group. There was a statistically significant difference in the therapeutic response between the two groups. Recurrence was higher in the low dose group (26%) than the high dose group (7.8%). Adverse effects were mild and tolerable. High dose of systemic isotretinoin is more effective than low dose and seems to be a promising well-tolerated and effective therapeutic option for the treatment of cutaneous and genital warts.



尽管口服异维甲酸已被认为是治疗不同类型疣的潜在治疗选择,但最佳剂量方案尚未确定。评估高剂量与低剂量口服异维甲酸治疗皮肤和生殖器疣的疗效和不良反应。该研究包括 100 名患者,他们被随机分配到两组,每组 50 名患者。第 1 组接受 0.6 mg/kg/天(高剂量异维甲酸),第 2 组接受 0.3 mg/kg/天(低剂量异维甲酸)。在两组中,每天进行治疗直至达到解决或最多 3 个月。在 76% 的高剂量异维甲酸组和 46% 的低剂量异维甲酸组中观察到疣完全清除。两组之间的治疗反应存在统计学显着差异。低剂量组 (26%) 的复发率高于高剂量组 (7.8%)。不良反应轻微且可耐受。高剂量全身异维甲酸比低剂量更有效,似乎是治疗皮肤和生殖器疣的一种有前途的耐受性良好且有效的治疗选择。