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Defect engineering of metal halide perovskite optoelectronic devices
Progress in Quantum Electronics ( IF 7.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pquantelec.2022.100438
Xuanyu Zhang , Xiongbin Wang , Huan Liu , Rui Chen

Recently, thanks to their unique and attractive properties, such as tunable bandgap, high absorption coefficient, and long charge carrier diffusion length, metal halide perovskites have been recognized as one of the emerging candidates for next-generation optoelectronic devices. Optoelectronic devices based on perovskites have achieved significant breakthroughs in a relatively short period of time. However, their commercialization still faces various challenges, including stability, scalability, and reproducibility. Defects are often the culprits behind these problems, either inside the perovskites or at the device interfaces. Therefore, rational utilization of defect engineering to minimize the effect of defects on device performance and control of carrier behavior is the key to achieve efficient and stable perovskite-based optoelectronic devices (PODs). Given the important contribution to the rapid development of PODs, there is an urgent need to systematically investigate and summarize recent research advances in defect engineering. Therefore, in this review, defect physics in PODs are described in detail, the role and importance of defects in various PODs are highlighted, and various strategies for optimizing PODs are reviewed. Finally, based on the latest progresses and breakthroughs, the challenges facing in the future development of metal halide perovskites and their potential significance in the field of the optoelectronic are prospected.



最近,由于其独特而有吸引力的特性,如可调谐带隙、高吸收系数和长载流子扩散长度,金属卤化物钙钛矿已被公认为下一代光电器件的新兴候选者之一。基于钙钛矿的光电器件在较短的时间内取得了重大突破。然而,它们的商业化仍然面临着各种挑战,包括稳定性、可扩展性和可重复性。缺陷通常是这些问题背后的罪魁祸首,无论是在钙钛矿内部还是在设备界面上。所以,合理利用缺陷工程以最大限度地减少缺陷对器件性能的影响和控制载流子行为是实现高效稳定的钙钛矿基光电器件(POD)的关键。鉴于 PODs 对快速发展的重要贡献,迫切需要系统地研究和总结缺陷工程的最新研究进展。因此,在这篇综述中,详细描述了 POD 中的缺陷物理,强调了缺陷在各种 POD 中的作用和重要性,并回顾了优化 POD 的各种策略。最后,基于最新进展和突破,展望了金属卤化物钙钛矿未来发展面临的挑战及其在光电领域的潜在意义。鉴于 PODs 对快速发展的重要贡献,迫切需要系统地研究和总结缺陷工程的最新研究进展。因此,在这篇综述中,详细描述了 POD 中的缺陷物理,强调了缺陷在各种 POD 中的作用和重要性,并回顾了优化 POD 的各种策略。最后,基于最新进展和突破,展望了金属卤化物钙钛矿未来发展面临的挑战及其在光电领域的潜在意义。鉴于 PODs 对快速发展的重要贡献,迫切需要系统地研究和总结缺陷工程的最新研究进展。因此,在这篇综述中,详细描述了 POD 中的缺陷物理,强调了缺陷在各种 POD 中的作用和重要性,并回顾了优化 POD 的各种策略。最后,基于最新进展和突破,展望了金属卤化物钙钛矿未来发展面临的挑战及其在光电领域的潜在意义。强调了缺陷在各种 POD 中的作用和重要性,并回顾了优化 POD 的各种策略。最后,基于最新进展和突破,展望了金属卤化物钙钛矿未来发展面临的挑战及其在光电领域的潜在意义。强调了缺陷在各种 POD 中的作用和重要性,并回顾了优化 POD 的各种策略。最后,基于最新进展和突破,展望了金属卤化物钙钛矿未来发展面临的挑战及其在光电领域的潜在意义。
