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Homeschooling among Black families as a form of parental involvement: A focus on parental role construction, efficacy, and emotions
Educational Psychologist ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-07 , DOI: 10.1080/00461520.2022.2129648
Meca Williams-Johnson 1 , Cheryl Fields-Smith 2


Experiences with racism and other emotionally laden encounters are intricately entangled with parents’ motivations to take direct action that can lead to voluntary separation from school or homeschooling. Using the Hoover-Dempsey and Sandler (HDS) model, this article expands parental involvement by including homeschooling and examines the usefulness of including emotion as a discernible motivator of parental involvement. Research on Black homeschooling is used as an example to explore the psychological and socio-emotional dilemmas parents face when preparing their children to become self-sufficient in an anti-Black lived context. Particular focus is given to parental role construction and efficacy beliefs to describe the intersection of emotions leading to parental actions toward involvement. Marchand et al.’s process of critical action is detailed to further illustrate the complexities of Black parents who actively engage in activities to combat discrimination. New insights on theory adaptation and pathways to inform practice, and recommendations for future research on parental involvement and Black homeschooling are also provided.




种族主义经历和其他充满情绪的遭遇与父母采取直接行动的动机错综复杂地纠缠在一起,这可能导致自愿离开学校或在家上学。本文使用 Hoover-Dempsey 和 Sandler (HDS) 模型,通过包括在家上学来扩大父母的参与,并检验将情绪作为父母参与的明显动机的有用性。以黑人在家上学的研究为例,探讨父母在让孩子在反黑人的生活环境中变得自给自足时所面临的心理和社会情感困境。特别关注父母角色构建和效能信念,以描述导致父母参与行为的情绪交集。Marchand 等人。详细说明了批评行动的过程,以进一步说明积极参与反歧视活动的黑人父母的复杂性。还提供了关于理论适应和为实践提供信息的途径的新见解,以及对未来关于父母参与和黑人家庭教育的研究的建议。
